Professional Martial Artist

Jake Ogden

Jake Ogden

Saturday 24 December 2011

Happy Xmas

I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us in 2011 and wish all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
Jake Ogden. 

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Another Surreal day!

Today was another one of those surreal days.

I have been filming all day with martial arts legends: Joe Lewis, Bill 'Super Foot' Wallace and Jeff Smith. They are exceptional guys and have hearst of gold. We have laughed all day long and they are so down to earth. You guys are crazy!  Great to see Paul Clifton and Kwoklyn Wan too.  

Monday 28 November 2011

The most memorable and proudest evening of my life

Saturday evening was one of the most memorable and proudest evenings of my life.  It was the evening that I was inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame and was the recipient of the 'Outstanding Contribution to Martial Arts' award. 

The evening began when my wife and I arrived at the Aston Villa Banqueting Suite in Birmingham. As soon as we stepped out of the limo and began to walk down the red carpet to the entrance we were accosted by TV reporters and photographers. There was with flashlights going off everywhere and a light was shone in my face and a reporter began to interview me. It was like a scene from the Oscars; I must admit it felt great but totally surreal. 

After the interviews and photos we walked into the foyer where there was an array of high profile martial artists and sports and film celebrities from all over the world. People were dressed in the most exquisite ball gowns and tuxedos. With a champagne reception sprits were high amongst the guests with a distinct feel of excitement and respect in the air.

I was amazed at how many people came up to me and said how much they enjoyed the content of my columns in Combat, Fighters and the Traditional Arts magazines. I was quite shocked at how many people noticed my work let alone read it and paid attention to what I was writing. Then a group of mature martial artists started to recite some of my work to me I was totally taken back with flattery. 

The evening progressed and we were seated in the main hall for the awards to take place.

 My wife and I were sat on the VIP table with Master Kwoklyn Wan, Master Bill 'Super foot' Wallace, Grand Master Joe Lewis and Master Jeff Smith!
To me this was absolutely crazy as I used to read about all of those guys in the martial arts magazines when I was a young boy in the late 70s and early 80s.  And now I was sat at a table with them, eating and drinking and listening to them talk about there younger fighting days. 

My name was called out and went up to receive my award 'Outstanding Contribution to Martial Arts Around the World'! I was stunned to receive such an accolade and questioned how I could be awarded such an honor when I have predominately taught in Great Britain. I was informed that the magazines that I wrote for went out to 15 different countries across the world.

My beautiful wife Nicola also received and award for 'Behind the Scenes Workers', which was great as she was very embarrassed, and also had to make a small speech in front of 500 martial arts superstars.   

Our heads are still spinning with all that has happened to us over the last couple of days but we are extremely grateful for all we have received. 

I am so very grateful to my wife, instructors, students and all that have helped to put Jado Kuin Do on the map and make it the recognized art form that it is today. Jado Kuin Do is now recognised by the Master and Grand Master of martial arts across the world.

Thank you for the overwhelming response and kind words on facebook, twitter and google +. They are all most appreciated.  

Finally, I would like to dedicate my award to my mother who passed away 4 years ago from brain cancer. She gave me a chance in life and was the person who believed in me from the start. It was from her that I gained the strength to go for what I believe in. 

Yours in Jado Kuin Do 

Master Jake Ogden - MscD,Cert.Ed, WBOB, WHOF. 

Tuesday 1 November 2011


I have some big meetings today and some big decisions to make.... looking forward to it. 
Now for half an hour of forms training to set me up for the day.

Saturday 22 October 2011


Just finished training, 1 hour of basics, 30 mins on the punch bag, 1hour of forms and 30 mins of balance work and flexibility work to finish off.
I feel great...   Now for a high protein lunch of tuna and kidney beans in pitta bread.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Ball, Parliamentary Rugby and Paperwork!

The weekend was full of activity. The WJO Autumn Ball & presentation Evening was on the Saturday and was a huge success. Instructors gave out their Student of the Year awards and Most Improved Student awards. This was great to see as new people are coming through the Jado Kuin Do system and are enjoying the benefits of doing so.

The 'Instructor of the Year' awards were also given out and the winner (the lucky chap) won a weekend away for two in Paris!  It was great to witness an evening full of such success.

Sunday afternoon was also a busy time for me. I was asked to played rugby for the Parliamentary England Rugby Team at Rugby School. The game took place on 'The Close' (where William Webb Ellis first picked up the ball and ran with it - thus creating the game of rugby). It was excellent to play with all the members of Parliament and then have dinner and drinks afterwards (my hamstrings are rather sore though).

Yesterday I spent most of the day in meetings at Aston Villa FC regarding the Combat Hall Of Fame awards.

Know i am back at the office and making my way through all of my paperwork which follows being out  of the office for two days. Ahh lovely administration.....

Jake Ogden

Monday 10 October 2011

Just got back from Birmingham

This weekend has been really special but very tiring. The final preparation for the WJO Autumn Ball started on Friday which was ongoing until mid day Saturday. The Ball on the Saturday was fantastic and the Sunday turned out to be just as much fun. I have only just got in from meetings all day in Birmingham at Aston Villa FC. I will blog tomorrow with all of the finer details as my bed is calling.

Jake Ogden  

Saturday 1 October 2011

Gradings & Blackbeltss

I have had an exceptional few weeks. Grading time is always providing the perfect chance for me to check standards. I have to say so far I have never been disappointed.

 Well done to all of those who graded today, grading is not an easy thing to do no matter what level you are at. But an extra well done goes out to Susan Wray, Kara Macleod, Sarah Ashford, Amy Welbourne, Luke Gowen and Delilah Walton for passing their Blackbelt 1st Degree today and Hazel Williams, Lewis Wundowa, Ant Harris and Jacob Springthorpe and Jacob Ogden Jr for passing their Blackbelt 2nd Degree. Truly inspirational!

Jake Ogden

Thursday 18 August 2011

Trip to Nottingham....

Its been a long hard week of training, teaching and delivering.....   I need to get some sleep and recovery ready for tomorrow, when I will be travelling to Nottingham to do some business and training with my good friend ‘Sifu James Wardle, 4th Degree Wing Chun!’. I'd better sharpen up on my Chi Sau!!!!

Saturday 13 August 2011

Coventry promo

I had an excellent day today in Coventry. Thank you to everyone who turned up to chat and to find out more about Jado Kuin Do. See you all at the Coventry Jado Kuin Do academy.

Asda in Coventry

Looking forward to going to Asda in Coventry today to do a meet, greet and promotion for Jado Kuin Do. Hopefully we can attract a few more students to the beautiful art form of Jado Kuin Do.
Jake Ogden

Sunday 31 July 2011

Training and family time

The weekend so far has been a good one. I conducted a 3 hour master class in 'Close Quarter Fighting' yesterday in Northampton. The day was tiring  but really enjoyable. Every time I teach, I learn something new. For me to be ignorant enough to think I had learnt everything would be ludicrous. "I learn to teach and teach to learn". 

Today I will train and then relax and spend time with the family. This is the most important time in my life, 'Spending time with the family'. 

Jake Ogden 

Monday 25 July 2011

Presenting at the Valhalla Festival

Hi guys, I’m finally back in the office now following an excellent weekend. 

Early Saturday morning myself and my family set off to the Valhalla, strength, power and martial arts show in Colchester. I was presenting there and managing the whole of the martial arts side of things. Besides presenting and organising, I was also interviewing some of Europe’s finest strong men, body builders and of course martial artists.

The weekend was busy and I met lots of talented athletes; it was hectic but very enjoyable. To top this weekend off, I was able to take my wife and children with me, they relaxed and enjoyed the festival whilst I was working, but we were still together.

The accommodation was first class. The organisers of the Valhalla festival put me and my family up in the prestigious Five Lakes Hotel where after a hard day of delivering and interviewing we could all go back and enjoy the luxuries that the  hotel had to offer. 

Special thanks to Paul Clifton and Kwoklyn Wan for their support throughout the weekend. 

See you all soon. 

Jake Ogden  

Monday 18 July 2011

New Club in St Albans

Im thrilled to announce that a new Academy of Jado Kuin Do will be opening in St Albans later in the summer. The club will open on the 8th September 2011 and will run every Thursday evening: Kids class at 5.30 - 6.30 and adults will be from 6.30 - 7.30, all welcome.
This academy will run out of the Lower Hall at Dagnall Street Baptist Church, just behind the Town Hall and opposite the entrance to the car park for Christopher Place.
The opening of an academy in St Albans, a city and key location in Hertfordshire, marks the expansion of Jado Kuin Do into the important London bordering county of Hertfordshire.
Jado Kuin Do goes from strength to strength! 
For further information please contact me on 01327 342611 or contact instructor Mark Owen-Ward at or on 0800 612 5870.

Monday 11 July 2011

Finished for today

I've had a productive day today. Been busy developing the syllabus (3rd Degree content), I can't wait to start teaching my 2nd Degree students in October, as I know they will relish the challenge.

The time is 23.04pm and I’ve just got in after 2 hours of training: 1 hour of balance work, 40 mins of understanding and breaking your opponents balance, and then spent the last 20mins stretching, relaxing and mind conditioning (chi gung and meditation). 

Now I’m off to bed to enjoy some rest and recovery. 

Jake Ogden 

Sunday 10 July 2011

That's it for the gradings

Well, that's it! all gradings are now done until September. Well done to all who were involved, participants and staff. Thank you to my grading examiners who did a superb job in helping me grade so many students and growing the Jado Kuin Do art form. We go from strength to strength!

Thursday 7 July 2011


Just got back from 2 hours of training (1 hour of forms and 1 hour of basics) I feel great! energized and focused but tired. Glass of ice cold water and then bed I think.

Good night all...

Thursday's agenda

Hi folks

The gradings for this weekend are getting closer and I have lots to do. I’m just about to have a meeting with one of my senior instructors.  Following my meeting I will embark upon my daily 2 hour training session, followed by a brief sauna. I will then be working on syllabus development until 1400hrs, and from there I will make my way to Coventry (Alan Higgs leisure centre) to teach my midlands class and prepare them all for this weekend. After that I will do a further hour of training and then home to bed.

 I will sleep well tonight!

Uss Jake Ogden 

Sunday 3 July 2011

This weekend

I have had an excellent weekend. My students never cease to impress me. Grading standards at the East Northants (Rothwell) grading on saturday and the South Northants & Bucks (Towcester) grading today were excellent. You are all true credits to your instructors and the Jado Kuin Do art form. If this is anything to go by, I look forward to grading you for your blackbelts.

This is one of the best parts of my job. The progression of the Jado Kuin Do students is simply breath taking. We have also experienced record numbers of students garding over the last few days with numbers  currently into the late hundreds!

I look forward to the Daventry and Warwickshire gradings next saturday.

Jake Ogden

Wednesday 18 May 2011

My hectic two weeks

Hi and welcome back. I am recovering after the last month of mayhem. The  Martial Arts Show was a huge success at the NEC two weeks ago. The WJO National Championships was the biggest and most successful competition we have ran to date. My team of professional instructors were awesome and did a fantastic job towards the smooth running and success of the competition. The standards of the competitors was excellent and many of the performances were simply breath taking. A huge well done to all involved. 

Now its time to concentrate on my training and also the over seeing of the WJO clubs. 

See you soon 

Jake Ogden    

Sunday 8 May 2011

Presenting at TMAS at NEC.

Hi Guys, sorry I have not posted any blogs for a while as I have been insanely busy. Hopefully after the competition next week my life will calm down a little and I can get back to writing regular blogs for you. 
I have just got back from an excellent weekend at the Martial Arts Show (at Birmingham NEC) where I was presenting on stage and interviewing some of the world’s most famous and accomplished martial artists. It was great to see so many Jado Kuin Do students there showing their support.  I haven't signed so many autographs since I was a professional rugby player.  

See you soon folks

Jake Ogden 

Sunday 10 April 2011

Blackbelt Training

The standards at the Black Belt training class today were really good. Its nice to see up and coming Dan grades working hard and getting to grips with the higher end techniques.

Wednesday 30 March 2011


I’m just sorting the final number of categories for the WJO Championships so I can order the correct amount of medals. The day should be exciting and full of fun. It’s great when all the clubs come together and compete against each other in a competitive yet friendly environment.

Jake Ogden 

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Last weekend

What a weekend I've had (I am including Friday as my weekend by the way). 
I spent most of last week organizing and preparing for the WJO National Competition in May and looking at business ideas in order to drive my organisation forward to greater heights.  On Friday I was in Birmingham at the UTC gymnasium for a photo shoot with some of the countries top MMA fighters. The place was amazing and the facilities were second to none. The only other time I had seen equipment like that was when I was lecturing at the University of Florida and their NFL draft gymnasium was similar.  It was also good going through some stuff with the fighters, bouncing ideas around and discussing new fighting strategies. It was nice that they knew who I was and paid me lots of respect in terms of my achievements as a former fighter and indeed a life coach. 
Shortly after that myself, Paul Clifton, Kwoklyn Wan, Stuart Crowther  and IFBB Pro Ernie Taylor got together for a chat and business meeting which went really well; exciting times.  
On Saturday I was mentoring and judging at a full contact show in Coventry hosted by the World Ring Sports Association. There was some fantastic fighters and also 3 title defenses. 
On Sunday I hosted a meeting with all of my top instructors reference to competition preparation and development. It was great to see how my instructors have developed and their enthusiasm towards their students and clubs is outstanding.    

 Running a martial arts organisation is challenging yet immensely enjoyable. My aim is to work more closely with all of my instructors and their clubs. It’s important that I am seen as an approachable person that is there to answer questions and help bring the best out of people, instructors and students alike.  

Jake Ogden    

Saturday 19 March 2011

My latest article in Combat magazine

Hi folks, sorry for the delay in posts. I have been really busy at the moment but im back on track now.
The new issue of Combat magazine is officially in WH Smiths and most leading newsagents. Check out my 6 page article starting from pg30 on Preparing for and Taking Gradings.
Jake Ogden.  Uss.

Sunday 13 March 2011


Hi folks and welcome back to my blog. I hope you find it both interesting and informative. I have decided to talk about Jado Patterns this time as I feel it is important that we understand why we do them and what benefit they have to our development.
What is a Pattern?                                                                                                 Jado Kuin Do Patterns is a set of fundamental movements, mainly defence and attack, set in a logical sequence to deal with one or more imaginary opponents. Patterns are an indication of a student's progress, a barometer in evaluating an individual's technique.
Why do we practice/perform Patterns?
                                                                                       We practice patterns to improve our basic Jado Kuin Do techniques and to develop the foundations of blocking and advancing towards an opponent in varying directions and in orthodox and south paw stances. Patterns also help to improve stability of stance, flexibility of movement, body-shifting, balance and breath control.
I have listed below a few points that should be considered when performing Patterns:
·      Patterns should begin and end on the same spot. This will indicate the performers accuracy.
·      Correct posture, facing and weight distribution must be maintained at all times.
·      Muscles of the body should be tensed or relaxed at the proper critical moments in the exercise.
·      The exercise should be performed in a rhythmic movement with the absence of stiffness.
·      Each pattern should be accelerated or decelerated according to instructions.
·      Each pattern should be perfected before moving to the next.
·      Students should know the purpose of each movement.
·      Students should perform each movement with realism.
With the above in mind, it will hopefully aid you or your students to more effective patterns practice and guide you to higher levels of the Jado Kuin Do art form.

Jake Ogden

Saturday 5 March 2011


I’m just getting ready to visit the Bicester Jado Kuin Do club which is ran by Mark and Lisa Desborough. There will be photo opportunities, book signing and a Q&A session. This is one of the best parts of my job, meeting new people who are benefitting and enjoying the Jado Kuin Do art form. 

Sunday 27 February 2011

Why I created Jado Kuin Do

I was spending some time with an extremely well regarded Eagle Claw Kung Fu Si-Fu over the weekend who happens to be a good friend of mine. We were chatting about all sorts of things and he asked, "Why did you create Jado Kuin Do?" This is a question I get asked on a regular basis so though it would be a good topic for this blog. After years of doing various martial arts styles I took a long hard look at where I was and what I was doing in my life. I needed to create a lifestyle that would suit me; in other words I wanted to set the game of life up to win! From the ideas and concept that I had in my head I wanted to design a lifestyle that would allow me to confidently and competently deal with and cope with all the demands of my environment. At this time in my life I was wearing many professional hats for example: I was and still am a farther of 3 and a husband, a full time college lecturer and head of sports science at one of the most prestigious sports colleges in the country, a close protection specialist and an international martial arts athlete.  I wanted to create an art-form and lifestyle that would help me to be able to maximize my time effectively across all of the areas of my life which was when Jado Kuin Do was born. Jado Kuin Do was created to:
 1) enhance optimal health
 2) increase mental and physical wellness
3)  provide self-defense and survival solutions.
I had changed the way I was training but needed to formalize it so there was a logical method of learning and mastering the art. I looked at and changed the way I was and using and delivering certain techniques in martial arts so I would be more effective when competing or protecting myself or clients on the street. This was done through scientific research and analyses. I also needed to make sure I had the necessary rest and mind set to spend quality time with my family and be a good husband. I also wanted to be able to deliver to the best of my ability when it came to teaching others and motivating them. With all of this in mind my whole philosophy changed and I devoted my life to creating Jado Kuin Do and using it as a life style which I knew would improve my mental strength through training the mind, using internal energies, training the body internally and externally, working on my mechanics and efficiency of movement and looking after my body so it would be more effective at fighting off illness and dilapidation. Jado had to be all encompassing for me to enjoy my life the way I knew I could and should. Originally I set Jado up for myself but as I became more successful, more and more people began to ask me what I was doing to gain regular success in every day things.  I began to feel like I was winning instead of losing. For me winning became a habit instead of loosing and people wanted to know how I did it. It was at this point that I opened up Jado Kun Do to others; this way of life has worked for me so maybe it can work for others. If people want to learn and enjoy the same benefits as I do then I am willing to teach them. If they like it and want to stay that’s great; and if they don’t then they will go. Either way I know it has worked for me and the Jado Kuin Do art-form and philosophies will live on and go from strength to strength. Jado Kuin Do is for optimal health, wellness and survival.

Jake Ogden              

Friday 25 February 2011

So far this week

Had a busy week and a productive day. All classes went well this week and all students have trained really hard. My senior grades 1st , 2nd and 3rd dans had an intense session tonight. Well done!
 The time is 1.34am and i have finished writing another chapter on my next book; i feel satisfied with today/nights workload. Turning off the light to get some sleep and see what joys tomorrow brings.

Jake Ogden    

Wednesday 23 February 2011

My 4th Book

A quarter of the way through writing my four book and seems like its taking forever. Well, Rome was not built in a day so I endeavor to persevere and focus on the end result; not what it takes to get there!
I love writing books that i know will be able to help a wider audience that i cannot presently reach. 


TMAS live 2

Had an excellent weekend at TMAS Live 2 in Nottingham. I managed to catch up with some old friends and meet new ones; its great to get such respect from other fellow martial artists and be able to bounce ideas around. Also had some very productive meetings for some exciting future developments.

Thursday 17 February 2011

This weekend

Got a busy but exciting weekend; Saturday night I will be a guest and judging at a full contact Kickboxing show; and on Sunday Im appearing  and officiating at TMAS LIVE T2 at the Wild Cats Arena in Nottingham. I'd better get plenty of sleep over the next couple of nights!

 Ill keep you up dated

Jake Ogden

Thursday 10 February 2011

Uss Everything and yet Nothing

Everything and yet Nothing

The word Uss in Jado Kuin Do implies to push ones self to the limit of one’s ability and to endure. Uss can be used as a respectful greeting and/or acknowledgement to the instructor, senior grade, other student or the dojo itself. A student is not expected to ‘yes’ to a senior but to use the word Uss instead.

The word Uss is of ten thousand meanings expressing the willingness to strive against and overcome all obstacles and to preserve on the courteous road to physical, mental and spiritual strength.

Uss at its simplest means perseverance under pressure. At its most profound, it assumes a Zen like spiritual ambiguity (everything and yet nothing), a plea to the soul itself to overcome the frailties of the human condition. This single word expresses the true meaning of JADO.

For a good student is expected to have both strength of SPIRIT with the under lying force of attitude, commitment, honesty, loyalty and etiquette; which affects Jado practitioners’ execution of duties, physical training and human interaction.


Sunday 6 February 2011


The gradings over the past two weekends have been exceptional. Standards were very good across the board and it was plain to see how passionate the instructors are about their students and Jado Kuin Do. All instructors truly instilled confidence and competence in their students and that has been demonstrated. This drives our beautiful art-form forward to new levels. Also a huge thank you to all that helped over the past couple of weeks, your time is very much appreciated. I full enjoy my job as the president of the WJO and feel proud to have written and created sunch a beautful art-form.
Master Jake Ogden 

Monday 31 January 2011

31st January

Well, its the last day of Jan and Ive been working closely with my web designer today to hopefully get the WJO website updated. 

I have just got in after a hard training session tonight; striking drills followed by throws, grappling and ground work. Its all good to learn and practice but vey physically demanding. Jado Kuin Do has so much depth to it, im so happy i decided to dedicated my life to perfecting the beautiful art-form of Jado Kuin Do. 

Jake Ogden   

Sunday 30 January 2011

Grading weekend

Last week I was been really busy organising and sorting the gradings for Saturday which all went very smoothly. Well done to all of those who graded over the weekend, the standards were really good. A special well done to Nathan Stuart Robbins and Lewis Harrison for passing the very much coverted Black Belt grading; excellent,  keep up the good work. The journey really begins for you guys from here! Tomorow and the rest of the week will be taken up with preparing for East Northants and South Northants and Bucks gradings next weekend. Its great to see so many dedictaed people to Jado Kuin Do. 
Jake Ogden

Wednesday 26 January 2011


If your actions inspire others to dream more,
learn more, do more and become more,
you are a leader.

 Jake  Ogden 

Monday 24 January 2011

Getting ready for grading

Monday morning, feeling good and ready for another good week. Excellent 4th Dan training session on saturday with my senior grades; now for the final preparation for this weekends gradings.  Good luck everyone!
Jake Ogden

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday classes

I have had a great week so far. Classes on Tuesday were packed to the rafters; 60 kids and 62 adults fantastic numbers. Tonight i have had an awesome class. My Bugbrooke class has grown  a club of 2 kids and 2 adults to 15 kids and 14 adults in 5 weeks. Things are looking really good and my students are getting the result sthey want.  I feel so happy i do a job that serves the greater good and bring myself and students pure satisfaction.


Friday 14 January 2011

I feel good, but still aching after a heavy training session last night: 1 hour of weights, 2 hours of forms and 2 hours of heavy sparring with an excellent martial artist and good friend Steve Jando. I like to vary my training as there are so many aspect to Jado Kuin Do. It truly is a practical versatile, modern day martial art; and i intend to make it as widely available to all that want to learn such a beautiful art-form.

Jake Ogden 

Jado Kuin Do delivered as a national qualification

Wednesday was a fantastic day for jado Kuin Do. After spending the best part of 15yrs of my life lecturing, managing and running sports science departments and delivering at some of the most prestigious sports institutes in the country; I decided to write a complete Sports science course in martial arts. I finished creating this course about 2 years ago and had been in negotiation with Moulton College for the last 12 months. We had our final meeting today and I received the final go ahead to run and deliver the Btec 1st diploma & Btec National Diploma in Martial Arts Sports Science at Moulton college for students aged between 16-18yrs old (a course I have personally designed and developed) . This qualification is worth 4 x A levels at grade A-C. Allowing students entry to University. I have written the course and this makes us the first college and organisation to do this in Britain. If all goes well we will mirror this course across a multitude of colleges across the country. The art the will be studying is JADO KUIN DO! If all goes well this course could be used all over the country! Fingers crossed. Jake Ogden 

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Excellent class & Technical Grading Syllabus

I had an excellent class last night and all students were working hard from my little under 4yrs all the way through to my senior students well done.  

I am just in the midst finishing the Technical Grading Syllabus (TGS). This is basically a more in depth version of the normal students syllabus but with special emphasis on the technicalities and full anatomy of a given technique and also highlighting exactly how should be performed. This is designed specifically for grading examiners and instructors to give them a more in-depth insight as to exactly what they should be delivering and assessing. This will improve teaching standards and quality across the board. Hopefully I will have this finished by the end of the week and be available for instructors by the beginning of next week.

Master Jake Ogden 

Sunday 9 January 2011

A proud man

I have really enjoyed this week and especially this weekend. Business deals during the week reference to the advancement of the WJO have all gone according to plan and we are receiving gaining interest daily from the media and fellow martial arts groups expressing interest in our products and methodology. 
This weekend has been really productive in terms of training and student development. Black belt training today was awesome; I'm increasingly impressed with the dedication and tenacity of our more senior Jado practitioners.  It truly makes me feel electric when all the students are on form and performing to their optimum. I feel very proud to be president of the WJO with such loyal and dedicated students. 

Jake Ogden 

Saturday 8 January 2011

This week

Hi folks , this week has been a good week for me and indeed the WJO. I have secured a date for the WJO national championships for 2011. They will be held on 14th May at Daventry Leisure Centre so make sure that you all get into training ready for the big day. I have training for 3 hours this morning starting at 10.30. Ill start with an hour of basics and warm ups followed by an hour of sparring with one of my oldest but toughest sparring partners. This is imperative to keep the timing and speed of my defensive and offensive moves tight. After that an hour of breathing techniques and stretching to finish off with, a great start to the weekend.

Jake Ogden