Professional Martial Artist

Jake Ogden

Jake Ogden

Thursday 10 February 2011

Uss Everything and yet Nothing

Everything and yet Nothing

The word Uss in Jado Kuin Do implies to push ones self to the limit of one’s ability and to endure. Uss can be used as a respectful greeting and/or acknowledgement to the instructor, senior grade, other student or the dojo itself. A student is not expected to ‘yes’ to a senior but to use the word Uss instead.

The word Uss is of ten thousand meanings expressing the willingness to strive against and overcome all obstacles and to preserve on the courteous road to physical, mental and spiritual strength.

Uss at its simplest means perseverance under pressure. At its most profound, it assumes a Zen like spiritual ambiguity (everything and yet nothing), a plea to the soul itself to overcome the frailties of the human condition. This single word expresses the true meaning of JADO.

For a good student is expected to have both strength of SPIRIT with the under lying force of attitude, commitment, honesty, loyalty and etiquette; which affects Jado practitioners’ execution of duties, physical training and human interaction.


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