Professional Martial Artist

Jake Ogden

Jake Ogden

Friday 14 January 2011

Jado Kuin Do delivered as a national qualification

Wednesday was a fantastic day for jado Kuin Do. After spending the best part of 15yrs of my life lecturing, managing and running sports science departments and delivering at some of the most prestigious sports institutes in the country; I decided to write a complete Sports science course in martial arts. I finished creating this course about 2 years ago and had been in negotiation with Moulton College for the last 12 months. We had our final meeting today and I received the final go ahead to run and deliver the Btec 1st diploma & Btec National Diploma in Martial Arts Sports Science at Moulton college for students aged between 16-18yrs old (a course I have personally designed and developed) . This qualification is worth 4 x A levels at grade A-C. Allowing students entry to University. I have written the course and this makes us the first college and organisation to do this in Britain. If all goes well we will mirror this course across a multitude of colleges across the country. The art the will be studying is JADO KUIN DO! If all goes well this course could be used all over the country! Fingers crossed. Jake Ogden 

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