Professional Martial Artist

Jake Ogden

Jake Ogden

Saturday 20 November 2010

A Great Week

This week has been really productive. I have been busy comprising the Jake Ogden P.A.T. training systems. P.A.T. is the acronym for Personal Achievement Training, which provides a complete package for personal clients. PAT comprises of Martial Arts Coaching (Jado Kuin Do), Physical Health & Fitness, Motivational Coaching, Diet suggestions and  Life Style Analysis. PAT is all about working smart; with this system my clients can very quickly attain their goals. I’m really excited about this, as there is so much variation that people can choose from. I teach all about personal awareness, de-escalation skills and personal safety too if that’s what people are looking for within their package. 

Follow this blog as i will be updating this on a regular basis to give an insight of who i am, what i do and how i do it. 

Bye for now! 

Jake Ogden   

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