Professional Martial Artist

Jake Ogden

Jake Ogden

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Another Surreal day!

Today was another one of those surreal days.

I have been filming all day with martial arts legends: Joe Lewis, Bill 'Super Foot' Wallace and Jeff Smith. They are exceptional guys and have hearst of gold. We have laughed all day long and they are so down to earth. You guys are crazy!  Great to see Paul Clifton and Kwoklyn Wan too.  

Monday 28 November 2011

The most memorable and proudest evening of my life

Saturday evening was one of the most memorable and proudest evenings of my life.  It was the evening that I was inducted into the Martial Arts Hall of Fame and was the recipient of the 'Outstanding Contribution to Martial Arts' award. 

The evening began when my wife and I arrived at the Aston Villa Banqueting Suite in Birmingham. As soon as we stepped out of the limo and began to walk down the red carpet to the entrance we were accosted by TV reporters and photographers. There was with flashlights going off everywhere and a light was shone in my face and a reporter began to interview me. It was like a scene from the Oscars; I must admit it felt great but totally surreal. 

After the interviews and photos we walked into the foyer where there was an array of high profile martial artists and sports and film celebrities from all over the world. People were dressed in the most exquisite ball gowns and tuxedos. With a champagne reception sprits were high amongst the guests with a distinct feel of excitement and respect in the air.

I was amazed at how many people came up to me and said how much they enjoyed the content of my columns in Combat, Fighters and the Traditional Arts magazines. I was quite shocked at how many people noticed my work let alone read it and paid attention to what I was writing. Then a group of mature martial artists started to recite some of my work to me I was totally taken back with flattery. 

The evening progressed and we were seated in the main hall for the awards to take place.

 My wife and I were sat on the VIP table with Master Kwoklyn Wan, Master Bill 'Super foot' Wallace, Grand Master Joe Lewis and Master Jeff Smith!
To me this was absolutely crazy as I used to read about all of those guys in the martial arts magazines when I was a young boy in the late 70s and early 80s.  And now I was sat at a table with them, eating and drinking and listening to them talk about there younger fighting days. 

My name was called out and went up to receive my award 'Outstanding Contribution to Martial Arts Around the World'! I was stunned to receive such an accolade and questioned how I could be awarded such an honor when I have predominately taught in Great Britain. I was informed that the magazines that I wrote for went out to 15 different countries across the world.

My beautiful wife Nicola also received and award for 'Behind the Scenes Workers', which was great as she was very embarrassed, and also had to make a small speech in front of 500 martial arts superstars.   

Our heads are still spinning with all that has happened to us over the last couple of days but we are extremely grateful for all we have received. 

I am so very grateful to my wife, instructors, students and all that have helped to put Jado Kuin Do on the map and make it the recognized art form that it is today. Jado Kuin Do is now recognised by the Master and Grand Master of martial arts across the world.

Thank you for the overwhelming response and kind words on facebook, twitter and google +. They are all most appreciated.  

Finally, I would like to dedicate my award to my mother who passed away 4 years ago from brain cancer. She gave me a chance in life and was the person who believed in me from the start. It was from her that I gained the strength to go for what I believe in. 

Yours in Jado Kuin Do 

Master Jake Ogden - MscD,Cert.Ed, WBOB, WHOF. 

Tuesday 1 November 2011


I have some big meetings today and some big decisions to make.... looking forward to it. 
Now for half an hour of forms training to set me up for the day.